Edina Office

Londonderry Office Park

5780 Lincoln Drive #250

Edina, MN 55436

(o) 763.400.7475

(f) 763.400.7473

Contact us to schedule at:

763-400-7475 X1


Click the REGISTER ONLINE button below to complete our online registration form. Once received, we will contact you to schedule an appointment!



Maple Grove Office 

Arbor Lakes

7835 Main Street N. #220

 Maple Grove, MN  55369 

 (o) 763.400.7475
(f) 763.400.7473

Are your conflicts becoming hurtful? Is it difficult to resolve your differences? Do you feel unheard or misunderstood? Are you beginning to feel more like roommates than intimate lovers? Are you working through a hurt or betrayal?

We are committed to healing and strengthening relationships. Whatever you are struggling through in your relationship- we can help. 

Communication issues are the number one reason couples seek therapy. Good, effective communication bridges emotional connection between partners.  Communication style differences, perceptions, negative thoughts/assumptions and lack of awareness are common, and can disrupt communication.   Most couples have never learned how to communicate effectively and listen empathically. We will help you gain insight and teach you skills to achieve active, healthy and connecting communication. 
Sex and Intimacy problems within marriage or relationships can lead to deep dissatisfaction. Sometimes sexual problems are indicative of other problem within the relationship. Talking about sexual concerns can be difficult. Whatever sexual issues you are struggling with, we provide a trusting and safe setting, and experienced sex therapy so you can begin addressing your sexual issues.  Start enjoying a healthy and satisfying sex life today! Click here for more information.

Conflicts can leave partners feeling emotionally hurt, resentful, blamed and misunderstood. Great relationships develop not from the absence of conflict but from the ability to find an agreeable pattern for resolution. Our therapists are trained to help couples see their negative patterns and cycles, understand triggers, heal past hurts, and define new rules for how to work through issues and concerns. 

Emotional Disconnection occurs when couples check out emotionally leaving partners feeling lonely or distanced from each other. Sometimes it is a slow slide into complacency, other time it’s a sudden precipitating event. Either way, unresolved issues are at the heart of emotional detachment. We teach couples how to listen and validate each other’s hurts, concerns and needs. We support couples as they open vulnerabilities, heal and begin to share emotionally with each other. 

Infidelity and Affairs are crisis situations, both personally and for your marriage or relationship. It is common for both partners to experience depression, anxiety and/or profound sense of loss following the initial disclosure. Sometime the reactions can resemble that of post- traumatic stress  (PTSD). Early guidance to navigate the complex dynamics of affair repair is key to the long-term success of your marriage. We have helped 100’s of couples with affair repair. If you are suffering in the aftermath of an affair, call today. Go to Affair Repair to learn more

 “We understand couple relationships and all their complexities; to help you find a way out of your pain or challenges so you can experience the benefits of a nurturing and loving relationship”.

We are members of the Directory of Christian Counselors, and provide Christian Marriage Therapy to those couples wanting to incorporate Christian values in their therapy work.

Marriage and Couples Therapy can help couples of all ages and in all types of relationships: married, living together, engaged, or dating. Couples seek counseling services for many reasons. To learn more about our work with couples and gain detailed information about marriage and couples therapy click here.

Whatever you are struggling through in your relationship, we can help. Call us at 763-400-7475 or e-mail us at: admin@mncounselingandcouplescenter.com.

Our Services

Marriage Therapy & Couples Therapy